Imprint and references according to § 6 Teledienstegesetz (TDG)
Information in accordance with § 6 Teledienstegesetz (TDG) in the version of the law on legal framework conditions for electronic business transactions of 20.12.2001
Provider of this website
BILDKRAFT Inh. Jörg Heinze
Industrial area Birkigt
Gitterseer Straße 19
01705 Freital
Phone +49 351 648 240-0
fax +49 351 648 240-29
Legal form and headquarters of the company
Bildkraft is a sole proprietorship, which has its headquarters in Dresden. The owner is Jörg Heinze.
Seat of the company and billing address is
Bildkraft owner is Jörg Heinze, Gitterseer Strasse 19, 01705 Freital
Bildkraft is only responsible for contents on directly linked sites if Bildkraft makes the contents of these sites its own. Bildkraft is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from its pages – unless Bildkraft has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the visitors of its site from viewing those pages. Bildkraft accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of other sites (= lower link levels) which themselves link to the site to which Bildkraft has provided a link.
All rights reserved. Reprinting, inclusion in online services and internet and duplication on data carriers such as CD-ROM, DVD-ROM etc. are only permitted with the prior written consent of Bildkraft.