all products / Displays / Sharp PN-H801

Sharp PN-H801

Sharp PN-H801

sku: MH801
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rental price 400.00€ /day

in case of longer rental period, reduced prices apply depending on the rental period

technicaly data - Sharp PN-H801

  • Brand : Sharp
  • Display Size : 80 Zoll
  • Resolution :
  • Brightness : 440 cd
  • Weight : 54 kg

Rental Price Sharp PN-H801

working days (coherently) 1 2 3 4
total price / net 400 € 600 € 760 € 880 €
Longer rental period possible.

description Sharp PN-H801

Thanks to its UHD resolution (3840x2160 pixels), the Sharp PN-H801 delivers pin-sharp images. With a brightness of 440 cd/m², your customers can see every detail crystal clear, even with higher salesroom lighting. The contrast of 4000:1 clearly underlines the quality once again and guarantees an excellent black level.

Your company message will be optimally staged thanks to the enormous colour precision and the LED backlight.

You can operate this display either in landscape or portrait mode. This gives you complete flexibility in using the display. For example, maps in portrait format can be impressively and life-size staged by this 1.8 meter high display. Displays

additional information Sharp PN-H801