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Novastar VX600

Novastar VX600

sku: MMBP16M
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rental price 350,00€ /day

in case of longer rental period, reduced prices apply depending on the rental period

technicaly data - Novastar VX600

  • Brand : NovaStar

Rental Price Novastar VX600

working days (coherently) 1 2 3 4
total price / net 350 € 525 € 665 € 770 €
Longer rental period possible.

description Novastar VX600

The VX600 is an all-in-one controller from NovaStar that integrates video processing and video controlling in one device. It has 6 Ethernet ports and supports different working modes (video controller, fiber converter, bypass mode). A single device can manage up to 3.9 million pixels.

  • Inputs
    2x HDMI 1.3 (HDMI-In & Loop) (max. 1920×1200@60Hz)
    1x DVI (1920×1200@60Hz, custom EDIDs possible
    1x 3G-SDI (max. 1920×1080@60Hz)

  • Outputs
    6x LED out (RJ45)
    1x HDMI 1.3 out
    2x OPT Out (10G)


additional information Novastar VX600